Booking information
Local tax
Not included in the price is the local tax of € 2.50, which is charged separately on site per day and person aged 14 and over.
For a binding reservation we ask for a deposit of 30% of the total price per room/apartment. The deposit can be paid by bank transfer, credit card or online via our “Click to pay” system.
Bank details
Raffeisen Brunico IBAN: IT 43 V 05856 58240 010571428046
Payment options
We accept major credit cards, EC cards, bank transfers and cash payments*.
*According to Italian law, cash payments are only allowed up to an amount of 4,999,99 Euro (non-EU citizens excluded)
Cancellation conditions
- Up to 20 days before arrival: no cancellation fee.
- 19 days to 3 days before arrival: 50% of the booked travel price will be charged.
- 2 days before arrival, no-show and early departure: 100% of the booked travel price will be charged.